What is Cognitive Behaviour Therapy?

What is Cognitive Behaviour Therapy?

Cognitive behaviour therapy is a psycho-social intervention that aims to improve mental health and wellbeing. CBT focuses on challenging and changing thoughts, particularly negative or automatic thoughts; behaviour and improving emotional regulation. It is a therapy that is focussed on building your coping skills to target your current problems. CBT is an effective, evidence based intervention to treat many conditions, including (but certainly not limited to) anxiety (social anxiety, phobia, obessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, sleep issues, low self-esteem, relationship problems, substance use issues.

The key to CBT is considering a person’s thoughts, feelings and behaviour - and the interaction between these.

CBT, like most therapy, starts with an assessment, which may include filling out a questionnaire or two, some education about the problem at hand, collaboratively setting goals/targets for therapy, learning and practicing new strategies and some homework tasks. It is important for your progress to practice these strategies out of the session.

If you are waiting for your therapy to start, or want some additional support - check out programs like moodgym and This Way Up.

We are moving into our new office 14/2/2022

We are moving into our new office 14/2/2022

Reframe Blog - What to do while you’re waiting for your appointment.